Coronavirus (COVID-19) impact on business in the Netherlands

Currently our daily lives and doing business are affected by the outbreak of the coronavirus (COVID-19). The coronavirus (COVID-19) raises questions among entrepreneurs and companies about the long- and short-term consequences. The Dutch government has taken measures to support companies affected by the coronavirus.

16 December 2020

We hope that you are able to keep relative business continuity in the midst of these circumstances but recognize that this unprecedented situation raises many questions for your business and its employees – whether you are already serving the European market from the Netherlands/Brabant, or contemplating doing so in the future.

Please find below an overview of key websites that provide up-to-date information and guidance on COVID-19 related matters. Additionally, the BOM Foreign Investments team is available to you if you have any questions.

General public health & safety information on COVID-19

Information on the new measures and about the effect of COVID-19 on schools, childcare facilities, employees, employers, travel and public transport can be found on the official Government website of the Netherlands.

Latest information on the public health situation, relevant advice and COVID-19 safety measures are available on the website of the National Institute for Public Health and the Environment (RIVM).

General business information and support measures on COVID-19

On 9 December 2020, the continuation of economic support measures for businesses affected by the corona crisis was announced to Q1 2021. Several existing measures have been extended with new conditions. An overview of these and further measures can be found on the website of the Dutch government, where you can find up-to-date information on support measures for companies in the Netherlands. The website of the Dutch government also guides you to Dutch national organizations which you can turn to for more information and advice. Most common business questions are covered on an FAQ page.

Amongst others, the most noteworthy measures are:

  • Temporary Emergency Bridging Measure for Sustained Employment (Noodfonds Overbrugging Werkgelegenheid, NOW): provides financial help for employers to pay their employees’ wages in regard to the COVID-19 crisis
  • The Reimbursement Fixed Costs Scheme (TVL) for SMEs aims to compensate SMEs in selected sectors for fixed costs other than wage costs. You can apply for TVL once every 3 months, until 1 July 2021.
  • Corona Bridging Loan (Corona-Overbruggingslening or COL): Startups and scale-ups can apply for the COL via the website. Regional Development Companies (ROMs) supply the loans, that vary between €50,000 and €2 million.

If you have other business questions, for instance concerning staff, events, transport of goods or inventory, call the KVK Advice Team at the Dutch Chamber of Commerce on workdays between 8:30 and 20:00 hours (CET).

  • Calls from the Netherlands: 0800 2117 (menu in Dutch)
  • Calls from abroad: +31 88 585 1585 (menu in English, press 9)

Updates on European logistics

The Netherlands plays a vital role in European supply chains, therefore, the Dutch government has identified air and sea freight chains, road transport, as well as food and medical supply chains as vital processes in view of COVID-19.

Our Invest in Holland partner Holland International Distribution Council (HIDC) provides brief updates on the current situation , providing insights how COVID-19 is changing the European distribution system and wat you can do to respond. HIDC remains available for questions about the continued operations of Dutch ports, borders and logistics operations.

Updates on tax options for business affected by COVID-19

To keep your business up and running, it may help if you can get a payment extension from your financer, or a longer period for paying your taxes. The Dutch Tax and Customs Administration, other government organisations and financing organisations such as banks and ROMs have measures in place to help you.

The Dutch Tax and Customs Adminstration has implemented a number of measures to help businesses and employers with payment difficulties due to the corona crisis, and to avoid extra costs. This page lists measures for businesses in general and employers in particular, and gives information on the Customs measures for entrepreneurs during the corona crisis.

For more information, we would advise to contact the Dutch Tax Information Line by phone:

  • Calls from the Netherlands: 0800 0543
  • Calls from abroad: +31 55 538 53 85

Alternatively, you can find an overview of the different measures online (in Dutch only).

Updates on immigration matters

On the page of the Dutch Immigration and Naturalisation Service (IND) you can find the latest information about the regulations around staying in the Netherlands and renewing and applying for different versions of residence and work permits. Please note that this page is regularly updated. You also find the latest information if and how employees from outside the EU/EEA and Switzerland can enter the Netherlands.

Updates on international travel

For the latest news on international travel from and to the Netherlands, please follow the travel advice from the Dutch Ministry of Foreign Affairs and your local authorities. More information on visas to the Netherlands in regards to COVID-19 can be found here.

If you need more information or require urgent assistance, please contact your travel insurer or the Ministry of Foreign Affairs:

  • By telephone: +31 247 247 247 (please note these phone lines can be busy and you may have to wait for some time before your call is answered)
  • Via Twitter at @24/7BZ

Corona portal internationals

During this Corona-crisis, it is important to help each other out as much as possible.

Finding information on initiatives that lighten up the day, having the possibility to get in (virtual) touch with others, get informed by the latest Dutch news, translated into English. These are just some examples that can be found on the designated Corona-portal by Holland Expat Center South, which has been set up for and with the International community here in Brabant.

Have a look at

This website is a joint initiative of Municipality Eindhoven (Holland Expat Center South), Brainport Eindhoven, TU/e, Fontys and High Tech Campus Eindhoven in collaboration with Expat Spouse Initiative and Eindhoven365.